Sky in the fray: start the ultra-wideband service*
Sky has officially entered the world of TLC/Telco with its ultrabroadband offer, the newly branched communication is another important piece in the strategy of one of the world’s largest players in the media universe.
It’s an exceptional page in the history of Sky” is the very clear comment of Maximo Ibarra, CEO of Sky Italia, who adds: “we have closed an agreement with Open Fiber, […] invested 230mln€ and hired 270 people” **
In the article it is reported that the media company has used the support of twenty companies, of which he mentions three in particular: Clariter (puts companies in contact with users available to test).
We are proud to have contributed to write “an exceptional page in the history of Sky”, proud to read our name along with Sky.
Clariter is honored to be at Sky’s side in this wonderful adventure, providing all the innovative power of Qalya, the most ground-breaking offer on Testing and Software Quality, able to provide concrete support to companies aiming to excel in the digital world in the coming years.
*Original article title: “Sky nella mischia: via al servizio a banda ultralarga”. Il Sole24Ore, Andrea Biondi, 17 June 2020
**Professional translation by Clariter of the statement expressed in Italian: “È una pagina eccezionale della storia di Sky” è il commento nettissimo di Maximo Ibarra, CEO di Sky Italia, che aggiunge: per arrivare a questo “abbiamo chiuso un accordo con Open Fiber, […] investito 230mln€ e assunto 270 persone”.